The Sikh Genocide is Still Happening

Sikh children hold pictures of their missing family members, who were abducted and extra-judicially murdered by the Indian State

Indian Authorities pose with a Sikh man they have tied up

Indian Authorities log another killing of a Sikh man, as part of the bounty system created by the Indian Government

The body of a young Sikh boy after being tortured and killed by Indian Authorities

Coroners struggle to separate the sheer quantity of dead Sikhs being delivered to them

After extra-judicially murdering Sikhs, Indian Authorities would pile them in trucks, and dispose of their bodies in rivers, or mass crematories

Piles of dead Sikh bodies who were killed by Indian Authorities

Rows of dead Sikhs were made, and individual officers were credited with the kills. Many of those officers were promoted on this basis, and today enjoy impunity, pensions, and armed security courtesy of the Indian State

A sheet is placed over a pile of dead Sikh bodies as the Indian army poses with them

Sikh youth were abducted from their homes, murdered in fake encounters, and never seen again. They are today, officially labelled as “disappeared”

So many Sikhs were killed, that sometimes a body would lay without being disposed of, and would be eaten by street animals

To justify brutality against Sikhs, Indian police murder Sikhs, and posthumously place a gun with their bodies. Indian media would advertise this as the killing of a “terrorist”

After killing Sikhs, ammunition was placed with them, to show how the police had undertaken in a noble task

Sikh bodies piled up, many of who were burned alive

Often times, Sikhs would be abducted, taken to warehouses in their own village, and shot dead at point blank range

In certain instances, Indian authorities would kill the Sikh men of the home, and plant evidence afterwards to publicize amongst their own propaganda mediums

Indian authorities chase down a Sikh woman

Street animals disposing of dead Sikh bodies left behind by Indian authorities

Many Sikhs were killed on the banks of rivers, and their stomachs were cut open. When their bodies were thrown in rivers, water would fill their intestines, and force them to sink, temporarily hiding the murder

After killing Sikhs, Indian Authorities would tell the media “they were terrorists” and justify their murder. Any news channel that posted a narrative contrary to this would be arrested, jailed, and many times killed

A Hindu Extremist mob sets fire to Sikh shops and vehicles

Piles of Sikh bodies killed by Indian Authorities